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Okon VIP Spotlight: Motherhood, Wifey, Entrepreneur, Fitness Enthusiastā€¦

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2016

The secret to being today’s Wonder Woman

Women like Erin are a rare species. And truth be told, there is no secret. It is quite simple, really. Erin works hard and refuses to limit herself and her potential. She believes that she can, and because of her mindset, she will. If you ever wonder what the secrets are to getting what you want out of life, the answer will always be the same; hard work.

Nothing in life comes easy, if you want something, you are going to have to work for it.

Erin doesn’t make excuses for herself. She works hard. She takes care of her family. She is a powerful example for not only mothers, but all women… This is what it looks like when you stop making excuses for yourself, and just do it.

Photos from Erin’s Weekly Check-ins—6 weeks—Half way through her program

Who is Erin Goyer?
I’m a little teapot short and stout. For real. Other than that, I’m a hard working entrepreneur who is in the pursuit of a hot...

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Today is the Day!

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

We spend so much of our time talking about the things we want to do and where we want our lives to be in the future. But when it comes time to put in the work to get there, we tend to put it off until tomorrow….or “I’ll start on Monday”…

What exactly are we waiting for? When did we decide that being the best and having the best can wait? There is no better day than today to start chasing after your dreams.

Once we make a choice and decide that being mediocre is not part of our reality, that is when we begin to change into the person we imagine ourselves to be. Make a decision today that you can look back on and say, I took control of my life and my situation and i fucking did what this! Make yourself proud of the person you are, and the person you have the potential to become.

Watching others find that strength within to take control of their lives and to make their goals their reality is everything for me. We are stronger than we think, we have the...

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6 Key Ways To Conquer Your Cravings

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

1. Drink water.
Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings. If you feel a sudden urge for a specific food, try drinking a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. You may find that the craving fades away, because your body was actually just thirsty.

2. Chew gum.
Sometimes all it takes is chewing a piece of gum to curve a sugar craving. Chewing gum occupies your mind and can take your thoughts off of your craving..and before you know it, the craving has passed. There are so many different flavors of gum, from root beer float, cake pop, pumpkin spice, to basic mint. With all of these options, beating your cravings with this method is almost a sure thing.

I do advise chewing sugar-free gum in moderation….as the sugar alchohols have some pretty…undesirable effects. From experience, two packs a day… is too much.

3. Eat regularly—have structure
 It is important to be eating regularly (every 3–4 hours). By doing so, this keeps us...

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Okon Logo ā€“ #SLAY Tops

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

Okon Fitness Logo is more than just a symbol, it has a powerful meaning behind it. It was created by combining West African Adinkra symbols: Greatness, Strength, and Humility. We believe that within everyone there is greatness. Within us we have an unmeasurable strength, as it is not only measured physically but also mentally. Lastly, we believe humility is a quality to be most valued, as no ones worth is more than anothers. Everything we believe in is represented by our logo.

Now limited availability – Click photo to order!\

Click photo below to purchase – This shirt has more color options

Why “SLAY”? I love using the term slay for many reasons, but mostly because it sounds bad ass. We go out and we SLAY We SLAY the day. We SLAY our lift. We SLAY our goals…Every day we SLAY!

Why not wear it as a reminder…SLAY QUEENS, SLAY.

Click photo below to purchase – This shirt has more color options

Click photo below to purchase – This shirt...

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Choose to rise, not fallā€¦

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

Try, and then try again. Fall down, get back up. Fight everyday to get where you want to be. Failure is just part of the process. We tend to allow our failures in life to discourage us from the things we want to do. Just because someone says no or you lose, that does not mean give up. All successful people fail, the only difference is – they keep going. Make a choice to be allow defeat to stop you or let it ignite you.

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Do you wake up with purpose?

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

You have a choice every single day. You can either chose to live your life filled with purpose and figure out what truly makes you happy, and live that, or you can be complacent and go through life moving through the motions. To me, that is not living. You get to decide how to write your story, why not start today?

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MN IFBB ā€“ Journey to Olympia

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

Honored to have had the opportunity to work with Fierce Empire and my good friend and fellow MN IFBB PRO Charles Griffen Ifbb Pro! Follow us as we work our way towards the OLYMPIAN stage

•Click the link to check out full video• ??

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I love what I do. This is my passion.

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2016

Every competition has a different outcome, you can never guess what that will be. But what YOU can control is how you present yourself. Work hard. Stay consistent. Be proud of the package you bring in, and regardless how you come out, you know you gave it your everything. Keep going even when you feel discouraged or defeated, remember that we all fail our way to success.

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