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How to Quickly and Easily Burn Fat From Home

burn fat home simple tips Mar 24, 2021

Whether you’ve been stuck at home due to a global pandemic, or you are waiting for the aliens to add a plot twist to our ever-changing wolrd…

One thing we are all in alignment with is figuring out how to drop body fat and to do it quickly. 

As much as I would love to tell you that there is a magical cocktail of pills or steps to take to losing fat quickly while also prioritizing your health, unfortunately, that is not the case. As an online fitness coach, with over eight years of experience, I can tell you first hand that it is not realistic to expect a quick fix.

However, there are ways to see visible changes in a short period of time. So let’s begin with some of the easiest things you can do, with minimal work that will help you see results. Here are the top five ways to see changes relatively quickly.

#1 Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important. Not only does it help you mind your own business, but studies have shown that even mild...

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7 At-Home Fit Tips

at home fitness tips Nov 19, 2020

Fitness at home can be very challenging to navigate. Oftentimes we lack motivation, structure, and knowledge of what to do. With limited resources it may seem impossible to stay “fit”, so I am going to share a few tips my clients and I use to stay on track. 

Schedule Your Workouts 

How to Schedule IGTV Videos from Your Desktop in 9 Steps

Yes!! PUT THEM ON YOUR SCHEDULE! Even if you are doing them from home. We tend to thrive on a schedule with a solid routine. Simply plan out specific times during your day to dedicate 30-60 mins of exercise. There is success in a solid routine.


You can effectively workout from home with little to NO equipment. However, when adding resistance/weights to your at-home workouts, you then add a greater challenge with better results. 

Get this FREE guide of my top 20 at-home movements here

Follow A Workout Program

It can be a challenge to get creative with new workouts and for most, the last thing we want to do is come with a routine daily. Having a custom goal-specific...

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What to Do After Over-Indulging

You followed your nutrition plan for a few weeks, but all of a sudden, you ate that donut, that cookie, or that slice of delicious what?

You see her on your Instagram feed. That #goals woman crush that you want to be like. Maybe at some point that was me, but I guarantee you this example isn’t me.

It’s that fit IG model that is posting photos of her taking a bite of a donut in all her abs and toned/fit glory.

She’s living the dream isn’t she.

Donuts, pizza, and rock hard abs you can see from a mile away. I want to teach you how to cheat like this so you can experience the same thing.

Yet..the fact of the matter is that if I told you how to do this I would be lying to you and short-changing you toward your goals. You see, the photos you see of these Instagram models who are eating the donut, pizza, or cake end up being less than 2% of their actual diet over a very long period of time.

They aren’t eating like this regularly, no matter...

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Boss Female Mantras to Live By

/หˆmantrษ™/ noun
  1. (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. 
  2. a statement or slogan repeated frequently.
Mantras have been around for at least 3,000 years, but they are making a comeback in our modern society. Today, we use mantras as a form of meditation, empowerment, mindset shift, and motivation. 

Here are my top seven mantras to live by

Accept that failure is going to be part of the process, often. They are your lessons. Learn them.
Set your vibe and be responsible for the energy you bring. You control your mood, no one else.
Work on building strength within the self. If you are solid internally, external influences have little impact.
We are resilient and capable of great things, so when facing adversity, adapt, adjust, realign. You find strength through your greatest battles.
Your perspective can change the entire experience. If you come with expectations that are...
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Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss

Odds are you have read in a magazine, watched on tv, heard on the radio, or talked about it at some point: weight loss. Whether weight loss is a discussion regarding the newest trend to help lose weight quickly, or simply fueling our never-ending pursuit of losing more weight, it is something we are obsessed with in Western society.

For years as an athlete, online trainer, and fitness coach, weight loss is a topic I speak about, hear about, or read about daily. From writing to clients about their weight loss goals, reading about it on social media, or giving tips to help others, it is a topic I can not avoid. 

So let's talk about weight loss and why it is so important to us, and why we very rarely focus on fat loss. We don't focus on weight loss more than fat loss because it is more important, but because we do not fully understand the difference, and how to track fat loss (or who should be) in a way that keeps us motivated the same way we do when we see the number on the...

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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Meal Plan

meal plan nutrition tips Jul 22, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Your meal plan does NOT have to be boring in order to see results!

Whaaaattt? Mind blown. 

Now, before I get started, I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with a simple meal plan. Sometimes it is beneficial to keep your meal plan simple to make the meal prep game a breeze. However, if you are someone who gets bored easily, these tips are for you! 

Tip #1: Seasonings

masala, ingredients, spices, turmeric, chilli, table, kitchen ...

It is no surprise that seasonings play a huge role in the overall flavor of your meals. They are arguably the easiest way to mix up your meal plan. There are two ways to use seasoning to your advantage.

Pre-cook seasoning

A fairly common method to seasoning food is to season your food before or while cooking. Seasonings are generally low calories, as long as you are avoiding marinades/oil-based seasonings. 

Example 1: cook your ground turkey in taco seasoning for a tasty taco bowl. 

Example 2: add rosemary and salt to cubed sweet potatoes before popping them...

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Patience & Willpower: The Key to Results

fitness patience willpower Jul 15, 2020

Sometimes we feel like giving up.

Actually, many of us want to give up.

A lot.

It’s something that Steven Pressfield calls Resistance. It’s something that works against us to distract us or discourage us from doing the things we want to do and see true results.

This can come in the form of a family member criticizing our desire to get in better shape.

"It’s just one piece of cake. It’s not going to kill you." - Aunt Betty

How many times has that been said?

In all reality, one piece of cake will not kill you. But the cake does severely damage your willpower. The ability to continue toward a healthy lifestyle is based on your ability to resist the many temptations that you encounter in your daily life.

This is hard.

But in reality, it is resistance that is trying to push you off course. How many times do we begin a New Year with lofty fitness goals, then find ourselves at the Taco Bell drive-through after a...

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Meet Our Summer Intern, Maria!

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I originally grew up in Maracaibo, Venezuela. There was (and still is) a lot of political unrest. My parents decided it would be better to move to a new country, where the opportunities would be better. We moved to Baltimore, MD for a couple of years since my dad had a fellowship there with Harbor Hospital and John Hopkins. Following that, we moved to a very small town in Wisconsin. I struggled a lot there, people weren’t welcoming towards me and my family. When I graduated high school, I wanted to get out, see the world, make new friends, so I picked the University of Minnesota. At first, I wanted to go to medical school (lol) but I took a Sociology 101 course that reshaped some of my general understandings so I decided to Major in Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Deviance with a minor in psychology. My biggest accomplishment would definitely be graduating from the U. My parents left everything behind for me to be able to do that, so when...

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The 10 Best Strategies On Staying On Track During Trips & Events

health & nutrition Jun 17, 2020
Help! I have an event/I have to travel and I don’t want to eat off plan but I also don’t know how to navigate to stay on track! Sound like your current situation? Well..welcome to living a fit healthy life in an unfit world! Let me help you!! These are my best tips to give others who are really trying to make their health a priority and not just a quick fix.

Here are my 10 best tips to staying on track!

1. Be too blessed to be stressed!

Don’t stress. It’s ok. It’s only food. So many times people will skip events behave there will be good they can’t eat or alcohol and they want to avoid temptation.. which makes sense... not realistically... food and drinks are everywhere... so you’re better off learning what you can do with what you have without stressing yourself the Fuck out. It will be ok. I promise.

2. You've got options - know what they are!

Know your options before you go! If you know what restaurant you will be at, look online...

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Rebuilding Muscle & Tips for Easing Back Into the Gym

So you took some time off from the gym... 

You may be reading this thinking: "Why would you EVER take time off from the gym?? Rest is for the WEAK. #NoDaysOff"

First off, chill.

It is true that in order to build muscle, you need to be in a caloric surplus and put in work at the gym. However, there are times when getting to the gym every day is not realistic. 

Maybe you got injured and were required to take time off for recovery.

Maybe a major life event caused you to take a break from the gym.

Or maybe you have found yourself int the middle of a pandemic and all of the gyms have been shut down for the last 3+ months.

Whatever your reason for taking time off from the gym, it is important to understand the science behind rebuilding lost muscle, and the steps needed to rebuild safely, and effectively. 

Have you truly lost muscle?

If you have taken more than 3 weeks off from the gym, it is very possible that you are beginning to experiencing...

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